Top 10 hairstyles for men in 2022 – Which style suits you best? Detailed guide
When you decide to change your hairstyle and try out a new style, it’s inevitable that you’ll want to find out about the many different hair styles and hairstyles for men. And what is the easiest and most obvious way to do this? Of course, a google search. You’re already typing in “men’s hair” , “men’s hair styles” , “men’s hairstyles” but unfortunately most of the results in the search engines are just plain image or pinterest content. And maybe you see 1 or 1 picture of a men’s hairstyle and you say, yes, that’s the men’s hairstyle I want.
But what is it called? What is the point of cutting? Will it suit me? If I want a barber to give me a man’s haircut at G-cutz barber shopat 16 Elisabeth Boulevard, how do I ask him?
In this article, we will guide you through the 10 men’s hairstyles you simply must know, one by one! We’ll show you several variations and photos of each hairstyle so you can imagine if you’d go for it, and for each hairstyle you’ll find a picture of how we cut it! We’ll also describe who our barbers recommend each hairstyle for, and of course you’ll get a little hair history alongside each style to spice up your reading.
Speaking of history! Have you seen our introductory video, in which we invite you to a little gangster history flashback?
Men’s hairstyles
Undercut - The cropped haircut

Slicked back - The back combed

Pompadour - The Rebel Crown

Quiff - A woman's favourite

High & Tight - The short and shapely

Buzz cut - The extra short

Spiky - The upside down / torn

Comb over - Combed to the side

Manbun - The man cave

Crop - The good guy natural

Our first contender is not a coincidence, as it is perhaps one of the most popular men’s hairstyles, and one that you see in abundance on the streets and on the silver screen every day. Transition, fade, zero, these are the key words for the undercut. They are blown from the outside in every barber shop, and here we are talking primarily about a cutting technique, not a specific hairstyle.
What is Undercut Men’s Hair?
The essence of the cut is the strong contrast between the different parts of the hair, as the name suggests: alligator. This means that the side part of the hairstyle contrasts strongly with the top of the head, there is no subtle blending of the two.
This is not to say that there is no transition in the side part, as most modern undercut men’s cuts are made with a transition. It simply means that there is a marked difference between the side length and the top length. For example, Brad pitt in the movie The Wrath wears a so-called disconnected undercut hair style without a transition:

But the same style can also be done with a subtle transition, even cut all the way to the skin on the sides. In this case we are not talking about a disconnected undercut, but a fade or transition undercut:

Advantage of the hairstyle
The advantage of the undercut haircut for men is its versatility, as depending on how long it is cut at the top, the direction it is combed and the length of the side part of the hair, it can be worn confidently by almost any style. It can also be perfect for suits, for business meetings, even if it’s not left completely long on the sides. Or it can be equally suitable for casual wear or worn casually into the night.

It’s great for shaved, with minimal stubble, medium to very long beards. Thus, the undercut hairstyle gives a masculine look with almost any beard length. Any way you wear it, it’s dressy on its own, so combine it with the right outfit and you’re guaranteed success.
“When is UNDERCUT a good choice?” Most undercuts stretch the head upwards, so they are beneficial for people who don’t have a very narrow face shape or who want to narrow their face. It requires at least 6-10cm of hair length, depending on cut and style, and in most cases leaves the forehead exposed, so will benefit those who don’t have a very large forehead or whose hairline starts low.

Read more about the undercut physique! >>
After the undercut, let’s move on to the classic men’s style of the slicked-back, which can be done not only with the undercut method, but also without a contrasting transition.
What is a slicked back hairstyle?

A slicked back hairstyle
Literally translated, it means smoothed back, but if one letter were taken away and written as licked back, it could be described by the apt term licked back. However, the style doesn’t stop at the slicked back, but at its core is the enriched effect achieved by raising the hairline to give a classic, more masculine shape to the head and face. Perhaps its greatest advantage is that it is ageless. It can be worn in your 20s as well as in your 40s, 50s or 60s. Just look at De Niro,70, who is the new face of Zegna. Hit it this fall, gangster sliced back:

On top you need to have at least one hair down to the middle of the nape of the neck, and no balding at all, not on the forehead, and if you do have it, at least at the back, which you can cover with long locks. If it’s cut well, you can dry it in the morning in minutes and fix it with wax, gel, styling powder and or varnish. A good cut is critical here though, the hairdresser needs to know your head shape, your rotation, whether you have wefts where your hair has been wanting to grow in one direction for years, where you need to thin it and of course you can add in transitions for a more youthful effect.

“When is SLICKED BACK FRIZURA recommended?” First we say anyone who can wear it. Long and oval faces can go for it, but the length of the hair on the sides must take into account the size of the ears and the shape of the head. If your ears are, how shall we put it, over-represented on your head, or you have a narrower face type, you may be better off with a longer side part starting from a non-zero point. Oh and a true slicked back stands up like a plaster, so if you’re the type who likes to poke your hair in during the day, you might want to go for the QUIFF!

Read more about the slicked-back physique! >>
Let’s stick to the back-cut line for a moment and take a look at the style most closely associated with it, the legendary pompadour. It’s actually a variation of the slicked back men’s hairstyle, which is clearly enjoying a renaissance even today . Emlékszel még? Elvisnél kezdtünk el róla beszélni nem sokkal feljebb.
What is a pompadour hairstyle?
The cut is almost exactly the same as the slicked back, which is a longer hairstyle on top and slicked back, but in this case the part above the forehead is longer and higher, giving the pompadour a very distinctive front and back shape.
If we’re talking pompadour, let’s not forget the duck ass. A true classic pompadour, the backcombed hair section at the nape of the neck produced a distinctive duck-ass wavy shape.

This style has always been about rebellion, so it’s no wonder that Elvis was the classic representative, and that gives us a hint of its history, but before we get into the story:

We’re not talking about a fashion that’s out of date and you won’t see it anymore. With or without a beard, with a shorter longer transition, but the front raised pompadour is still going strong in 2022 and you’ll see it on the streets/clubs, in pubs and on the streets of Budapest more than once:

Or a more classic pompadour from Mr Beckham, with a sloppy stubble. Although the looseness of the top part of the hair might make it a Quiff.
“Who looks good with a POMPADOUR hairstyle?” If you look good with a slicked back, you will also look good with pompadour, so a not too pronounced forehead (without balding), hair down to the nape of the neck and a more narrow, oval head shape. The pompadour is a bit more time-consuming to style than a slicked back because of the higher front hair and longer hair, but it’s not impossible. If you take a good look at how your barber does it, you’ll find it easier to do at home. In addition to drying, fixing is also very important, so it’s a good idea to apply pomade, wax – or foam while still wet before drying – to the hair and then fix it with a stronger wax + varnish after drying to ensure that it lasts all day:

Read more about pompadour hair! >>
4. THE QUIFF WOMEN’S FRIZURA (Women’s Favourite)
The quiff is a perennial classic, the dishevelled look of the pretty boys who eat their knickers in 80s-90s TV series or boy bands. A timeless natural looseness that goes with both elegant and more casual wear. Similar in essence to the pompadour style and the slicked back men’s hairstyle, but with more freedom and creativity.
What is quiff hair for men?
This hairstyle is actually a looser, messier, sloppier pompadour, so it ‘s a short or medium-length hairstyle on the side, long on top, with a back-parted hairstyle, where the top part is not so tightly and regularly braided, but a little looseness is allowed.
In fact, the quiff allows the top part to be combed upwards, sideways or even sideways to the front like a pompadour. A typical quiff looks like this

Feature of the hairstyle
The hair style has the distinct advantage of being easier to style than the more severe slicked back styles, due to its natural, tousled, loose fall. It’s a slept-on pompadour that wax and polish will “blow out” during the evening, giving it that good-guy tousled shape. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean you can go to bed with your slicked-back set and wake up with a pompadour quiff.
Since quiff is messier than pompadour, it doesn’t require as much fixing, so you don’t need to wax and varnish it heavily. Accordingly, if you or your partner put your foot in it several times during the day, the hairstyle will not lose its hold. Whether you have straight or wavy hair, a quiff is the right look for you. Like pompadour, it’s all about getting the right cut, but of course you can loosen it up in the morning.
What we wrote as a basic requirement for pompadour, that it can only be worn on very thick hair and a balding forehead, is not so strictly true for quiff. Because quiff men’s hair is great for hiding minor baldness and thinning patches, it all depends on which way you blow dry your bangs and of course how long your barber lets you keep them.
In the same way, the quiff doesn’t require a specific face shape, because depending on how long you leave it on the sides and don’t raise the hairline so much on top, it can even compensate for an elongated, narrow face.
“Who looks good in QUIFF?” if you’re a fan of long hair on top, but too severe for a slicked back or pompadour with a stiff, hard hold, then Quiff is for you. It’s ok if you don’t have a narrow face or a higher forehead/hairline starting at the top, because you can play with Quiff’s bangs accordingly. And if you have curly or wavy hair, Quiff is a must! Especially if you’re single. With this hairstyle, you won’t be for long!

Read more about quiff hair! >>
5. FLAT TOP / HIGH&TIGHT (The short and shapely)
If we’re so rebellious against the military line with pompadour and quiff men’s hairstyles, we can’t help but write about the classic militaristic haircuts of the flat top and high & tight.
What is Flat top and high & tight?
The essence of both styles is that the short, cropped hair on the side is followed by an equally short, but shaped section of hair on top. The classic flat top top is one you’re sure to recognise from military movies. For example, Schwarzi wore one in SWAT, but you’ve also seen Dolph Lundgren in many films with a flat top cut.

Flat top vs. high&tight
Flat-top hair is very rare today, as to keep the hair at an even length on the top of the head, you need to visit a hairdresser every week or so, but for those with faster-growing hair, every 4-5 days.
The High & tight version is much more consolidated, as the top part is not pointed straight up to the sky, but can be combed forward and sideways, making it a more wearable military fringe for everyday wear.

“When can I wear HIGH AND TIGHT ?” If you don’t want to mess around too much with fixing long hair, but very short, coily hair is too short for you, then high and tight is the best option for you. It’s easy to adjust, still has some style because of the longer part at the top, and you don’t need too much hair!

6. THE BUZZ CUT MEN’S FRIZURA (The extra short one)
Let’s stick to the military style for a bit, but make it even simpler: push it down to one length everywhere. You can almost hear the buzz of the razor blade: buzz, buzz and you get the idea why it’s called a buzz cut. So a buzz cut is to machine it down to one length? It doesn’t quite stop there!

What is a buzz cut for men’s hair?
The classic buz cut really means cutting the haircut to an even length everywhere, which can be anything from zero to a few millimetres. However, the more modern versions also include a subtle transition, so that the hair at the top of the head is a minimum length, which gives shape to the butt cut.
Or you can make a one-length haircut at home if you have a clipper, a small mirror and a deft enough hand to hold the clipper at exactly the same angle every time you cut. If you can’t, this simple one-length buzz cut can be easily messed up, leaving patches on the sides, hair behind your ears and a hairy neck at the back.

And if you’re looking for a minimal difference in length, forget the home masking and go to a barber because most of the transitions at home are as straight as an ox piss.
“When is BUZZ CUT recommended ?” The buzzcut is recommended for anyone whose job / sport / lifestyle makes it impractical to constantly fuck with their hair, or for those who grow hair less frequently or bald. However, you should also pay attention to the ears on your head, because a buzzcut is like your drunk buddy: honest and ruthless, who will often point out your flaws.

Read more about buzz cut haircuts! >>
7. A SPIKY MAN’S FRIZURA (The upturned / torn)
Let’s paddle into different waters and go back to longer hair, but this time comb it up/forward instead of backwards and make it a bit more thinning. And there you have it, the spiky, a favourite of all of us and the ladies, easy to set but harder to cut and even harder to fall asleep to.
What is this spiky?
It has the meaning of spiky, pointy hair which most people probably know as spiky or upswept hair, but some people call it dishevelled/ruffled men’s hair. The essence of it is that it is called. Some people say it’s called a textured cut at the crown of the hair to create relatively separate strands, which can then be worn in a thousand different ways.
The side part of spiky hair, i.e. upswept/ripped hair, can be cut shorter or even longer, but you can also go all the way to a zero transition.

Spike hairstyle
The spiky, teased hairstyle is a typical accessory for a smart-casual look, but it also looks great with a more serious suit or even just looser with jeans. At first glance it looks like it’s just put back together without any system cut off, but that’s not true. Only the most skilled barbers can cut a hammered, ripped haircut. Texturising the top strands to separate nicely as you can see in the picture is no easy feat. The great thing about the hairstyle is that it can be worn in thousands of different ways and is very easy to style in the morning. It can be up to 6-8 inches long on top, but you can also adjust it up a few inches, Beckham style:

Above you can grow your hair to this length in 2-4 months and you don’t need to do anything else in the morning, just dry it in natural and then poke it irregularly right, left, back and forth with a light wax hand.
“Who can wear a SPIKY hairstyle ?” If you want a looser style for your haircut, but it’s also important to get your morning routine down early. The spiky is easy to set, easy to manage, hard to fall asleep in, and almost impossible to fall apart from anything because you can fix it with your five-pronged left hand even after a brutal tousle. The spiky hairstyle is recommended for anyone who doesn’t have a very long face shape, which would be stretched further by the upward tuck, and who has a minimum of split ends, because the spiky makes sparse hair look even sparser.

Read more about the spiky men’s hairstyle! >>
8. A COMB OVER (Combed to the side)
Probably one of the most conservative and classic menswear styles is the thigh over, which can be cut in a variety of ways. Parted on the side, it can be worn in almost all of the styles mentioned so far, yet as many of us have grown accustomed to parting over the years, and thus our hair, we thought it important to dedicate a separate section to the ‘separates’ men’s hairstyle.
What is a thigh over?
Almost any garment, whether short or long, cropped, long on top, medium long, or full length can be said to be thigh over if it is parted from left to right.

Modern comb over
The modern thigh over is a machine-cut version with a side part, but if you prefer a more classic shape or have a narrower face, you may want to leave it longer on the side. The choice can be machine-strengthened or organic, which is what your hair has become used to wearing.
“Who looks good in thigh over ?” If not only your tail, but also your hernia has been pulling you to the right since you were a toddler, you can stick with the thigh over into adulthood. If you’re balding from the front, stretching your face shape, or your rotation warrants a front/side then you may want to consider a parted men’s hairstyle. In addition, if your style is of the English elegency, so you like collared shirts and tweed garments, then trying it at least once is a must.

Read more about the thigh-over haircut! >>
9. A MANBUN (The Man’s Butt)
Manbun, which literally translates to man’s face, can be both the end goal of a man’s hairstyle or just a longer and more manageable stage of growing long hair.
What is a manbun?
Men’s style, which consists of wearing the hair, which is quite long at the top, pulled together and either left to the same length on the sides and included in the weave, or completed with a shorter section of hair with (or without) transitions of different lengths.

Men’s hair is a divisive issue these days, with many of both sexes believing that long hair is a woman’s game. At the other extreme are women who are crazy about men with long hair. We are of the opinion that men’s hair is not for everyone! A feminine, more refined male face definitely looks more feminine, but a more pronounced, masculine man with stronger features, especially with a beard, looks even more masculine. The golden mean is DiCaprio. It’s up to each person to decide how he looks in manbun.
“Who is manbun recommended for ?” Long hair is only for those who have the material and can wait for it to grow. The manbun is a help in growing it, as you can get away with the most unmanageable – side part – during the critical period because of the transition. If you’ve set your sights on long hair, give it a try. We’ve got some more advice on this a little further down.

Read more about the men’s account! >>
10. A FRENCH CROP / CROPTOP / CAESAR CUT (The good guy natural)
Our latest contender is the French crop, a popular and easy-to-adjust hairstyle that you see around you every day, but probably don’t know it’s called that. French crop, or a new version of croptop, also known as men’s bangs.
What is a french crop?
The idea of the crop is to cut the hair short on the sides and back of the head and leave it a little longer on the top of the head, but weaken the ends of the hair a little to make the contrast less stark than with undercut cuts. Of course, the new wave crop top can also be made with a transition, but the main thing with crop tops is that the bangs are always emphasized

For a hairstyle or a men’s updo, you need a bit more of a cool, extravagant personality, because even professionally cut, this is not a tucathai. Its biggest advantage is that it is very easy to adjust in the morning, and that it can be done in a way where the bangs cover the forehead, balancing out an overly pronounced or high forehead.
The upper part of the hair can be parted as a parting as a parting ring, thanks to the texture cut. The bangs can hang all the way down at the forehead, but you can ask your barber to cut them shorter for a more natural, sloppy effect.
For a crop cut, it is essential that you have thicker, denser hair that the hairdresser can work with. You can request a cut with a long top part, so it’s basically your mood in the morning or your outfit style that determines which way you comb/dry your hair. Just look at the pictures to see how much face the French crop has!
“Who is CROP recommended for?” If you have luscious hair and you’re wary of any lifting or patting, you should try the crop. It’s a similar situation if you’re balding at the front or developing a Mcdonalds brow, as you can eliminate this with bangs that fall off the top of your head. The whole point of a crop is to emphasise naturalness, so you can be sophisticated with a crop cut without looking like you’ve got a banged up hairstyle.

Read more about crop haircuts! >>
Which do you like? At Blaha we can make any of them for you!
In this article we’ve gone through the 10 hairs every man should know, one by one. You may already have an idea of which fringe direction you want to go in. At G-cutz barber shop we can do any of them for you in high quality.
Don’t panic if you can’t decide. The job of a gangster barber doesn’t start with creating the man’s hairstyle you want, but one step before: What looks good on you? What would suit your head shape? Which one will you be happy to wear with your lifestyle? How do you even go about getting it done every morning?
All our services include a free consultation. Just show us in the article which haircut(s) you have in mind and we’ll polish the idea to perfection. Just pick a barber you like and visit us at 16 Elisabeth Boulevard (between Blaha and Wesselényi on the boulevard) and we promise you won’t go to anyone else from then on. When are you coming?
Hi: Imi, Géza, Domó, G, Ákos, Tomi, and Laca and Dave: The gangster barbers of G-cutz